Monday, 21 July 2014

Have We Heard of The Property of Hate Yet?

I went to Anime North last month (my friend and I totally threw together a cosplay of Taneshima and Takanashi from 'Working!!') and was totally baffled by the number of people who were throwing old TV shells on their shoulders like it was a regular thing.

 I mean, it wasn't as overwhelmingly popular as all the creative mutations of Deadpool (like this Kingdom Hearts crossover we saw), but enough that I felt a little guilty not having any idea what they were getting this from. 

Turns out it's from a great webcomic! 
By coincidence, my boyfriend showed me this one a couple weeks later because he thought it'd be the kind of thing I'd enjoy. And by that, I assume he means it's because it's an adorably endearing comic with even more adorable albeit somewhat cheesy messages, while still being exciting.

It's a pretty typical concept: a little girl is woken up (or is she still dreaming? Dead? I never know with these things) by a strange figure who offers to take her on a dangerous, strange adventure in another world, only to learn that she can never go home...

Click the panel to start reading

Sarah Jolley (find her here) seems to have tons of fun writing and illustrating it, which really translates; I feel like I'm on this adventure with our Hero (who is cleverly referred to as 'Hero'...). Jolley just hit chapter 8 and it's pretty consistently updated on Sundays.

I'd highly recommend checking it out if you've got a second-- it's really fast to burn through, unless you like admiring each panel for 3 minutes like I do! Maybe next convention, I'll be wearing a TV shell and toting a bamboo cane. 

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