Hey friends! As some of you may remember, last year I took a hiatus to get my life a little sorted.
Work has got me exhausted, but after that, I've got a nice vacation (wooooo Jamaica!), packing up to head back to Kingston, and then getting my university life back in order. I think, until all that chaos comes, I'm going to need to take a hiatus, which could last anywhere between a couple weeks or a couple months.
I really love blogging (both my own blog and the geek blogging community!) and don't want to have to adjust to spending any time away from it, but I have recently been running a little short on the time and inspiration needed to post multiple times a week. I have no lack of ideas for content, but I think I need to get back in touch with the things that motivate me.
In the meantime, you can still contact me by normal methods (here and on my sidebar, but twitter is probably the fastest), and when I come back-- because I actually will in a couple months max-- it will be on eightbitbracelet.
Cheers! x